Uniquely You

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We are ALL waking up out of object consciousness while simply becoming more aware of who we already are and have always been acting as a radiant beacon of Light transforming consciousness. Seek not external validation for you are already more than validated by virtue of being upright and above ground. The living indwelling presence of your infinite eternal nature allows Source energy movement in, as and through YOU. Allow your uniqueness full expression while making a joyous contribution to the world. At Cinfully Twisted we create bold connections through clothing designed specifically to garner the curiosity and attention of others. I call that Unity in Action💜

We leave you with a priceless piece of wearable art sure to catch the soulful eye of the observer. Human beings naturally crave deep meaningful connections and our clothes speak for themselves. All work is uniquely detailed and designed as a ONE of a kind specialty item just like YOU! Given the time and loving attention to detail put into each piece these items are obviously not returnable nor refundable. Expect 6 weeks for delivery on all custom work. Unsure of your design? No probs! Hit us up! We look forward to collaborating with you in a playful collaborative fashion cultivating your soulful style that shouts UNIQUELY YOU!

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